Libary of free resources
Walking Lightly
A set of miscellaneous resources around the topic of lightness through using the balls of the feet.
These will be updated over the coming months. If you would like to be updated, contact me to be placed on the email list.
If you find any of these to be useful, please consider contributing by ::
- making a donation
- providing feedback about how you have applied it, things you found useful, things you found unclear and/or
- sharing this page URL on (e.g.) social media.
Individual tuition face-to-face in my clinic or
online by Zoom or FaceTime (etc) is also available.
- Introduction - General principles
- VIDEO: Slide 1 : Application of Tensegrity to vertical posture.
... and this Facebook link of a run by Isabelle Kyson is a good demonstration of forward balance in action. Note that there is little energy usage - human energy expenditure hardly changes for different speeds of running. Importantly the upper body is light and if anything can be said to lead the gait it is the heart/upper ribs/sternum rather than the head (or some gluteal driver pushing from behind). The upper body is easily supported by the balls of the feet (rather than being carried by the arms and shoulders). The movement also requires some flexibility, and the foot placement does not show the classic excess anterior tibial tension that lifts the front of the foot up and is seen with heel-strike running...